Growing In Your Current Job
Growing In Your Current Job
Is it too much to go to work?  Before making a career change, determine whether other aspects of life are affecting your job satisfaction. Lack of supportive relationships, few leisure activities, or poor health may be contributing to your dissatisfaction. "Questers Dare to Change Your Job and Life" may help you identify sources of discontent. 

Create growth opportunities in your present organization

- Identify needs, skills and other personal qualities you want met in your job. Also write a job description that will enable you to use desired personal traits, and work in an environment that will provide opportunities to perform preferred job tasks, and have desired levels of responsibility and salary. 

Chapter 8, "Questers Dare to Change Your Job and Life," will help you uncover the real you, and show you how to investigate compatible career options. Check out the book in my profile.

- Explore ways to creatively redesign your job. If you want to spend more time on sales and less time on technical work, propose suggestions to your boss indicating how this will enhance your productivity and benefit the company's bottom line.

- Take initiative. Look for jobs you would like in your company. Identify the project manager. Research ways you can enhance the project and offer the manager assistance and suggestions. Volunteer for special projects. Offer to take charge of a newsletter or a community relations project. Ask for what you want. 

- Become a team player. Get involved in and work toward the success of a project. Offer time and recommendations for enhancing the company’s product or service.

- Network. Learn what’s happening in the company. Communicate regularly with colleagues. Participate in social activities, read the company newsletter.

- Become an expert in your field. Continue to learn. Read professional journals, attend business meetings. Share your knowledge and skills.

- Develop interests outside of work. Make family and leisure time fun. Find hobbies and volunteer activities that could provide challenge and boost confidence. 

- Gain the recognition and support of political decision makers. Demonstrate loyalty, ability to set priorities, and attain goals. Show you're motivated to enhance productivity, can meet deadlines, and communicate effectively.